Why choose
Holy Goat Coffee?
Life’s more fun when you do it with people who get you.
We love partnering with businesses who have the same goals as us – to always put the customer first, and to understand what makes a great coffee.
The perfect coffee will bring people together, it will give comfort in times of need – and it will give you the spring in your step you need to start the day.
We have a customer service team who cares. Here at Holy Goat Coffee, we take pride in our exceptional customer service. You are not an order number to us – you are a partner. We care about your business, and you can rely on us to deliver a delicious, consistent roast. Your business deserves the best quality – and so do your customers.

Samples, anyone?
We like to keep things real here. And if you’ve got this far down the page then we are halfway there! Of course, nothing in this world is truly free.. but this is pretty close to it.
If you would like to try our coffee, and let’s not kid ourselves, you want to try out coffee – just contact us using the form below and we’ll get you a trial pack of our delicious beans. Just be aware – this offer is limited to cafe’s already trading at 20kg per week. But we always love making new friends!
If you are looking to open soon or just want to grow a greater understanding of the market, what’s out there, and how to best enter into planning a cafe of your own, we would definitely love to chat!
Please go ahead and fill out the form and one of our team will contact you shortly! Or alternatively, email us directly at sales@holygoatcoffee.com.au.